Friday, June 13, 2008

Savings Saturday - Saving without using Coupons, Part 2

Last week I gave some ideas about saving money without using coupons.

*I should also probably point out that I am not against coupons. I currently use them. I am for whatever works for people to save money that is legal, ethical and moral obviously! I am constantly evaluating whether I want to keep using them just because of the time and organization.

Some ways that I save on my grocery budget:

I try to make things from scratch when possible. Making things yourself can save you money.

I was just at Aldi yesterday and even there, broccoli and cauliflower was $1.99 for a head or bunch. Sugar was $1.99.

I had actually bought some staples - sugar, flour, baking soda at GFS (Gordon Food Service). They are like Sam's and Costco as far as food goes, but they are not as big and you don't have to pay a fee to join. They don't have organic food right now, but they do have the basics.


I am doing a garden this year. I am actually doing a container garden. I am also planning to freeze and can any leftovers. I hope to also freeze and can as much produce as I can this year to get through most of the winter hopefully. You don't have to have a huge space to garden. When we lived in a townhouse we just did a few tomato plants in containers on our back patio (since we had no yard). This worked out fine.

If you are not able to garden, definitely try to go to the U-pick local farms or visit local farm markets.

To save money you must get creative. Analyze what you usually buy and see if you can go without it (such as some paper products) or see if you can make it yourself. Let me know what other things you all do to save money!

Part 1


  1. I'm in the process of trying to figure out some good, SUPER CHEAP 5 gallon containers. I want to put some more tomatoes in. The plants don't last very long in summer down south!

  2. My husband got our's. We did buy some at K-mart, but they weren't super cheap! He put a couple in 5 gallon buckets. We are getting a ton of rain here so things are doing pretty well right now. We even have a few small green tomatoes!

  3. I just started container gardening this year. I have one of those upside down hanging tomato planters. Not much is showing yet on it except for one tiny little green tomato about the size of a pea. I had such high hopes for this. Patience, patience, patience is my mantra with this sad little tomato plant.

    I also have 4 bush cucumber plants in containers. They are growing like wildfire. If all the blooms produce I will be doing some secret cucumber drops and "ding-dong ditches" (Sarah's phrase, not mine, lol) at the neighbors' houses! :D

    I would love to see pics of your garden! Pretty please???


I love comments!
