
Sunday, January 29, 2012

Simplify with MIT's (Most Important Tasks)

Well, I had just come off of 8-10 weeks of "morning" sickness and some serious exhaustion and here I was feeling so much better and thinking we were on the upswing.  So much was going well and the week went great when out of no where my daughter threw up.  The first time in her four and a half years of life that she threw up.  And she didn't just do it once but several times throughout the night - so much for sleep.  Then just as we crossed that hurdle and thought all was well, a day and a half later my two and a half year old also threw up and that was the first time in his life too.

I will spare you the rest of the details but lets just say the whole family was better and then worse within the span of this past week.  I will say I have never felt that sick or been that still my whole life.  I will also say food just seems awful at this point and I have lost a good 5 lbs. in about a two day period.  So I should be posting my menu plan but I can't even think about that right now.

My point to telling you all this is that sometimes in life we do still need a plan but we must drastically alter that plan depending on the season.  I am a list maker and a planner, not by  nature, but by necessity because otherwise, nothing would get done around here.  I was doing the 10 goals along with Money Saving Mom but decided 10 was too ambitious at this point, that is when I ran across the book Organized Simplicity.  It was a free download for my Kindle App (on my Android phone).

She had a chapter in there that talked about her daily docket.  What really got me was how she organized her daily docket.  She limits herself to 10 things on her to-do list but then she takes her 3 top priorities for the day and those are her M.I.T.'s (most important tasks) - jackpot!  I can do that.  So I didn't have a printer at the time (my computer got a virus too - seriously, we were all sick, ha).  So I just wrote mine down on paper (gasp) and I made my three most important tasks.  And as you see on my paper, I did not cross off some things on my to-do list but all of my M.I.T.'s were crossed off (Sorry, MJ, I still need to send out your birthday present).

Someday, I may be back to getting it all done but as for today, I will just do the best I can with what I have and pray a lot.  I know that prayer works better than anything. 

And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart.    Galatians 6:9


  1. Oh good! I was afraid it had gotten stolen off the front porch. I didn't want to ask in case you hadn't sent it yet. Now I know!

  2. Ooh, I missed the baby announcement. Congratulations!!! When are you due? I am expecting a baby at the end of June!

    We are going through the flu bug here, too. My almost 4-year old had it yesterday. We are praying that my husband and I stay healthy... but from the sounds of this flu bug, it's almost inevitable that we'll get it. :(

    I tend to make lists and just tackle the top important tasks, as well. It's the only way I stay sane. :) Otherwise I just feel like I'm falling behind or something. Good luck on this new way of life!

  3. @Sara
    I am due a week after you! I hope you and your husband stay healthy too!

  4. Praying for you and your family. Being sick like that is NO fun whatsoever. Take care of yourself and if you need anything, please don't hesitate to holler out!

  5. I'm sorry you've all been sick! I like the MIT's...very sensible.


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