
Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Calendar Time at our house

We have been doing calendar time off and on for a while. I say off and on because some days I don't do it. But I really try to do it at least three days a week when all three kiddos are home.  I got great inspiration from a few blogs and implemented a lot of what they do with a few things of my own.

Here is how we use it:

I have a flip chart with "How to Pray" (see Prayer for print outs) and also on that is a picture of our World Vision child that we sponsor to pray for and a few other things like countries starting with the letter of the week (Operation World).

  • Prayer time 
  • Say the Lord’s prayer - this is on a flip chart too
  • Do the pledges - also on a flip chart we do the American flag, the Christian flag and the Bible (the kids need to memorize these for Word of Life anyway)
  • What day of the week is it?   Sing the “Today is . . . .” song
  • Count up to the number  of the day of the month on our actual calendar
  • Sing the days of the week song to the tune of The Adam’s Family
  • What month is it? spell it out {it starts with a capital letter}
  • Sing the days of the month song
  • What is the date? Say the day of the week, month, date and year
  • Count out the date with money (My 6 year old)
  • Put the weather up and do the weather graph (My 4 year old)
  • Skip counting chart (Both 4 and 6 year old)
  • Color. letter, number of the week - point out number and letter on Calendar
  • Sing the Books of the Bible song for NT and OT (Still looking for a better version)

Today is… This is a printable that I downloaded from Carisa at 1+1+1=1.

Inspiration Ideas:

Supplies used (I bought most of them at Target and Meijer but the laminator I bought on Amazon a while ago when it was $16!):
I also have this calendar which I love but I switched it from the kid's room and haven't found a good place to hang it in the office/school room yet so we haven't been using it this week.

And that is what we are doing for calendar time now.

P.S.  Sorry about the glare in my photo.  I really need to be better at taking pictures.



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