
Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Kitchen Tip Tuesday - Simplify - Move your dishes lower

I rearranged the kitchen last week and moved all of our dishes to our lazy susan.  We do not have a lot of cabinet space nor do we have an actual pantry so this is why I chose the corner cabinet.  I did this so our 6 year old could unload the dishwasher all by himself.  If you have kids and they haven't been helping you out in this way I would work on reorganizing your kitchen so it makes it very easy for them to do so.  My 4 year old puts the silver ware away.

I know that it is good for him to do this.  He also has been asking for some specific toys.  He already has daily chores that he does but we have added a few optional money chores for him to do so that he can earn money to buy the things he wants.

Unloading the dishwasher is a money chore at this point but he is usually willing to do it. In fact he has never refused.  I haven't told him it is optional.

I have him unload everything and for the bigger bowls and such that is up higher he just puts them on the counter for me to put away.  

What do you do to make it easier for your kids to help?

For more ideas see:

Making my Life a Little Easier @ Passionate Homemaking
Creating a House with Built In Character @ Home and Harmony

Raising Homemakerstammy's recipes


  1. This is a great tip! I love to stalk, I mean follow your blog. Seriously it is my number ONE favorite blog :) You inpsire me to be a better child of God, wife, mother and friend :) Bet you didn't know your blogging had that kind of affect :) LOL
    I was recently nominated for the Liebster award. I'd like to pass it to you! You can read about it here:
    Keep up the great blogging! :)

  2. I followed your link from Tammy's. I moved our dishes to a lower cabinet a couple years ago so my children could put them away easier and set the table as well. It is wonderful. We have a rotating kitchen duty chart. For every meal each child has 1 or 2 duties to help out in the kitchen; such as help me cook, wash dishes, put away clean dishes, sweep, wipe the table, etc. It works out great for us.

  3. @Rashel
    I do have the kids help set the table, but I should be better about that. The kitchen duty chart is a great idea thanks!

  4. @Cindy DG
    You do not know how much your words mean to me. Thank you so much. I will definitely check out the award - thanks again!


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