Sunday, February 12, 2012

Menu Plan - 2.12.02

As for last week's menu, I didn't make the Three Cheese Baked Spaghetti but everything I actually did make.  Here are a few pictures of the kids helping me make the crackers for the Chicken Stoltzfus:

We really liked the chicken stoltzfus, but I thought it wasn't quite salty enough and so I added too much salt to my husband's portion.   Needless to say, he liked it but couldn't eat it all because I put too much salt in it:(

Menu Plan

Now onto my menu, as usual I keep breakfast and lunches simple.  I do some things on the weekend to make it easier for the week. 



  • Homemade uncrustables, fruit and carrots (Heart shaped for Valentine's Day)
  • Homemade lunchables
  • Soup and crackers
  • Leftovers and applesauce


Special Desserts:
Key Lime Pie (for my husband)
Heart shaped sugar cookies (for the kids)

What's for dinner at your house this week?

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