Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Our Week In Review - Valentine's Week

A peak into our ordinary week:

Had to throw this in - they had the Superbowl here in Indy and I took this pic driving through downtown

My baby bump

My library finds - I want to buy both of these books
This is my daughter protesting about me putting braids in her hair, which she doesn't like but I think are so cute. 

My daughter and her friend dressing up in some costumes

She made this for Valentine's Day (idea from here)
Valentine's Pictures
Breakfast - red hearts

Playing in our Valentine's Day snow that melted about an hour later

Making our heart shaped pizzas for lunch (I had the dough pre-made)

Valentine's Day lunch (one of them made stars instead of hearts)
Making our sugar cookies

Here are our sugar cookies.  My daughter went a little overboard with the candy on top

We got some goodies from Grandma (from Missouri)
How was your week?

1 comment:

  1. Looks like a really fun week. Love your baby bump. So cute!
    Have a great day.


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