
Saturday, February 11, 2012

School Week in Review

We actually had a pretty productive week with school.  I can't say that every week so I am thankful when it happens.  We started our mornings with our Bible reading.  The kids color a page about the story while I read it from the Bible.  Then we work on their Scripture memory verse for the week.  Full Disclosure:  my oldest son does not like to wear a shirt while at home.

School time

We do K12 curriculum through a local charter school.  Homeschooled 3 days at school 2 days with my 1st grader.

Math that he actually likes - measuring
Phonics Assessment

With my preschooler and tot I made a Valentine's Day Sensory bin.  They both really liked it but I had to limit my 2 year old because he decided to throw rice.

We also were working on the letter B this week and we did pom pom painting.  We painted a bear and the kids liked it so much that it branched into an impromptu color mixing lesson.

They would call out what colors they wanted to mix and I put a little on a half piece of card stock and let them mix it with a cotton ball.

We have also been doing a weekly library night.  The kids love going and I do to.

Play Time

I had them make their own snacky lunch this week

And we had amazing weather for a few days and we took full advantage of it and played outside.  

 Our school week in review!


  1. What fun activities you had this week! I love hands-on stuff like that, but don't do it often enough. Of course, mine are older so the hands-on stuff they like is different, but the idea is still the same. Great fun!

  2. Looks like a fun week!!!

    Popping in from the Wrap-Up

  3. @See Jamie blog
    Thank you Jamie! I enjoy reading your blog by the way.

  4. @Stefanie
    Thank you! I sometimes forget to get to the fun stuff but this week it worked out.


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