
Thursday, February 16, 2012

You can learn a lot from You Tube

I have been watching You Tube like crazy lately. We can now get it on our TV through our DVD player (I think, I'm really not sure how we get it).  I have been watching it while I walk on the treadmill.  Here are a few of the videos I have found helpful:

Making Seed-Starting Pots from newspaper (her words are off from her mouth but it still is an informative video):

Square Foot Gardning 101:

Simple Solar Homesteading (I don't know why but I think this guy is really interesting):

Soap Making Instructions:  Tea Tree Oil Soap:

Okay so I am fascinated by all this stuff.  I can't help myself.  Have you watched any helpful You Tube videos or instructional videos lately?


  1. If you want to learn to knit or crochet, or if you just want instructions on a particular stitch you aren't familiar with, You Tube is a great resource. That's what I learn with it!

  2. Josh watches you tube to help him figure out how to do things when he's stuck with a problem on a house problem. Sometimes it is helpful, sometimes not.


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