
Thursday, March 29, 2012

My Little Backyard Garden - end of March

I still can't even believe I am having garden updates in March.  Right now things are pretty low maintenance.  We did have to cover up the blackberries, blueberries and strawberries this past week because we had a frost.  It seems they made it okay.

A few of my blueberry bushes

My radishes are growing like crazy and the onions are getting taller.  The lettuce is doing well too.

Here is a little pot that I put lettuce and some carrots in

Blackberry bushes (just my second year on these)

My strawberries are really flowering

My chives are getting huge again.  I think I can now safely say that my lemon thyme, oregano, chocolate mint (in a different container not pictured) and parsley have come back.  None of them were suppose to come back in my zone (5) but we had a very mild winter so maybe that helped???

I could use your help.  What else do you do with chives?  I put them on baked potatoes but I'm not sure what else to do with them.  Do you have some ideas?


  1. chives are awesome in soups! Also, strawberries are safe to 15 degrees:) Love your garden! Ours is crazy growing too!

  2. Gretchen, these muffins contain chives and are really good:

  3. @Anna
    Did not realize that about the strawberries - thanks!

  4. @Amy
    Oh my, those sound amazing. Thanks for the link!

  5. Saw this earlier and thought of you & this post :)


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