Saturday, March 24, 2012

Weekly Wrap Up - The No School Edition

We did not end up doing any school this week.  My in-laws were here for the first part of the week so we jut did fun stuff with family and then after they left we fixed up some things around the house.  I know I keep telling you how great our weather has been but it is just so amazing to have such great weather in March in my area.  It is now raining and in the 60's but even that is not too bad.

Here is a peak into our week:

 We went to a little tourist town not too far from us.  They have lots of neat artsy shops and places to eat.

Miss M and her cute hair

The I-man

Me and the I-man

Grandpa and Grandma

They had a neat thing for the kids - mining for minerals and such.  We bought a bag of sand and then the kids were able to sift it to find the treasures.  They gave us a post card with all of the type of rocks so we could identify them.

The kids just wanted to pose by this giant stuffed dog.

I loved this sign, but I didn't buy it because I'm not sure where I would put it.

We went to the playground by our house and threw a Frisbee, played and blew bubbles.

 And even my husband slid down the slide.  It is really why I have a blog, to embarrass my family members.

 And we spent a lot of time on our deck.

We took the grandparents to Rural King to check out some chicks.

We put on our swimsuits (well, I didn't but the kids did) and played in our sprinkler.  First they just soaked each other with the hose and then we decided to change into our swimsuits.

And then we had our friends and their kids over.  We want to arrange marriages with their kids.  They don't have anyone for our older son though so I guess he is on his own.

I captured this sweet moment of my older son deciding to cuddle up in our big chair and read to his sister.  We were having thunderstorms and she was scared and he wanted to help her not be afraid.

I was a sewing fool today.  I made curtains for my bedroom, the boys bedroom and the laundry room.  The little two wanted to sew with me so I finally put together this little sewing kit for Miss M and she sewed along side me.  My little man got out our kids sewing machine (which doesn't work) and pretended to sew with it too.

We also went to Toys R Us for a Monsuno demonstration.  My son wanted to do it all week.  They are like Bey Blades kind of which are basically higher tech spinning tops.  He had fun anyway.

And I also "almost" finished this "no sew hopscotch mat".  The kids had fun with it.  I just need to finish it and help them pick up their room.

Well, that was our week.  It was a wonderful week full of family time.  Next week we may do some light schooling but we are technically on spring break for the next two weeks so who knows!

How was your week?

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