
Monday, April 30, 2012

Back at the freezer cooking - Breakfast time

It has been a while since I did a big session of freezer cooking.  I just don't see that in my 8 weeks away from having baby number 4 future.  On the other hand I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE having food in my freezer for convenience sake so here is what I am doing.

  • We have restarted our freezer cooking club but it only includes four members this time.  I have at least 4 meals per month that are in my freezer from that.
  • I am doing a few things on the weekends or after the kids are asleep to keep in the freezer such as making more waffles or making homemade mixes.
  • I am doubling up on meals when I can. - not actually whole meals but parts of meals like making extra beef and bean mixture when I made brown bag burritos for cooking club last week.
  • In May, Money Saving Mom is challenging us to fill our freezers together in the 4 Weeks to Fill Your Freezer Challenge.  

She will be cooking or baking something every weekday and blogging about it.  She will be tackling breakfasts the first week, lunches the second week, dinners the third week, and snacks and desserts the fourth week.

Honestly, I had planned to do this anyway, but I might as well follow along right?  I will have to come up with my own plan because I now know what we really like from the freezer and what we really don't so I will be doing what works best for us.

Here is this week's plan - Breakfasts!

Monday - Make up Master Muffin Mix to be able to quickly put together several different types of muffins for the freezer.  This involved grinding my wheat and then throwing the rest of the ingredients together.  - Really easy, you could do this!  DONE

Thursday - Make up Almond Coconut Granola or Peanut butter granola to be used on yogurt or in milk

Friday -  Taking a break

Saturday - Making lots of Blender Batter Waffles

There you have my freezer cooking breakfast plans.  What are your favorite breakfast items to make and freeze?  It might not be too late to add something.


  1. You are so smart to be prepared. When little one gets here, it will make it so much easier!

    We usually have bread with various spreads or some kind of toast for breakfast. I do need to figure out a way to bake more bread at a time, though, they are starting to eat more.

  2. @Ma
    Have you frozen your bread before? I often freeze mine and it works well.

  3. I do if'n there's any left! (which there's usually not;))


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