
Sunday, April 22, 2012

Menu Plan - 4.22.12

I really can't go without a menu plan.  I am a grouchy mess without it and you know what they say, "If Momma ain't happy, ain't nobody happy."  Well, I think that may be true and having a plan makes me happy.  So even if I don't post much else I have to at least post my menu plans.  I also found out that my pickiest eater loves muffins so I am adding that to my breakfast rotation since I can make a bunch and freeze them and you all know how I love my freezer cookin.

Menu Plan

I keep breakfast and lunches simple.  I do some things on the weekend to make it easier for the week. Breakfasts are usually served with fruit smoothies.




Check out more menus at Menu Plan Monday.
What's for dinner at your house this week?


  1. I'm going to see my local beef guy today, so we're having lots of beef this week.

    Taco Salad, then mac and cheese leftover taco beef probably, then I'll save some of that same meat mixture for pizzas later this week.

    And other beefy things:)

    I'm glad to see you posting again.

  2. I completely get the need for a menu. I've gone without one for a couple of months and it has been obvious. It has been a struggle every night to make a last minute decision and I've FAILED many times and resorted to take-out. HORRIBLE for the health AND pocket! However, to maintain sanity as we take off with this new adventure of in-home childcare, Kev and I talked about what changes would help the most and menu planning was second only to spending more time praying/family devotionals. Guess I better get on that planning!

  3. I'm so glad to see you posting again. I don't ever comment, but I check your blog every other day for ideas. I am on the road to trying to feed my family more whole foods and healthy meals and love food preserving!!

  4. @Ma
    Well, this is our week for beef since your's was last week.

  5. @Tracye
    I know, it is a struggle but I know how I am if I don't have one which is why I try to keep going with it.

  6. @Stacy
    Thank you! I will be more than happy to answer any questions you have anytime because I am still learning too.


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