
Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Intentional Family Outings - The state park

Remember when I made a new goal - Intentional Family Outings?  We have done two of them.  Here is a recap of our most recent one.

We chose to go to a state park not too far from us.  We packed snacks, water and our lunch.  We stopped often and looked at the leaves and trees and flowers.  My husband even had us do a few minutes of silent walking so we could hear the sounds of the forests and figure out what we heard - of course, our 10 month old did not get the memo she continued to babble on.

The day was beyond beautiful and the weather was so mild.


 We found some tracks.  We saw turtles.  We stepped over lots of bees and they didn't bother us.  We rolled down hills.  We spotted beaver teeth marks on trees.  We ate lunch.  We played on the playground.  We came home and looked up the flowers we saw.  We spent time together, outside, admiring God's amazing handiwork.

I'd call that a success.



  1. The turtle pic is really nice! It sounds like a great day.

  2. What a great day! I am planning more things like this with our family this year. These outings are important.

  3. What beautiful photos of a wonderful day. I am going to be doing a state study series soon and one of the weeks I will be doing state parks. This would be a perfect post for it.

  4. Beautiful! Love the outdoors! Best homework in the world ;-)

  5. Gretchen, it looks like so much fun! Hope you are having a great week.


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