
Monday, May 27, 2013

Week in Review - A Birthday Party!

We have had such a fun week - visiting friends, friends visiting us, a birthday party to go to, a birthday party to throw.

We went over to a friend's house to get some plants but I ended up not getting any plants and the kids just played and we looked at their chickens.

Another day I babysat our friend's kids and of course we pulled out the sprinkler.

Then my oldest and I went to a used homeschool book sale and he begged me to take him ALONE to this Chinese restaurant that him and his dad always go to.  He told me how the whole thing worked and what food to get.  You can see he loves protein.

These are my great finds!  Also, after we left the book sale my son said, "Mom, thank you for getting me out of that nerd chamber."  Seriously, I think he was talking about all the books and not the people - at least I hope he was.

He is so into birds of prey right now and we looked up some owl videos and took some owl books out from the library to study.

Happy Birthday to my big boy!  I dislike character parties but he likes the WWE - we are careful with what we let him watch but the boy loves wrestling so . . .

He wanted a sleep over so I had 8 boys (including two of my own) spend the night!  We had a blast.

And we had the bounce house for a few days so we told people to come over and use it with us - and they did!

And here is the obligatory baby photos because she is just so darn cute.

 A great week of fun!



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