
Thursday, May 9, 2013

Week in Review - School Edition

I did not do a Week in Review last week - shame on me.  Here is this week's with a little of last week's mixed in.

First my 3 almost-4 year old:

I think he was just stacking the blocks rather than doing the puzzle, but whatever.

I keep trying to get him to make snakes to make letters from play dough - but it is hit or miss.

 We did cup stacking for PE one day and he loved it!

He loves Starfall and here he is doing the sign language part.

 He is tracing M on our RRSP page.

 Here is my 5 year old:

She is doing her math page from Math U See primer.

Here is a busy bag activity with first sounds matching up to the right letter.

She is cutting her verse and gluing it in the right order with help from me.

This is just a phonics page she did.

My 7- almost 8 year old (who doesn't like me to take his picture):

Pulling tiles for our Barton Reading lesson:

We are really working on our "ck"/"k" rule.  I printed off a game to do.   We just need to keep working.

We also have the free programming game -  I can't figure it out for the life of me so I am no help to him.

I am having him do some free keyboarding games to learn to type.

The gangs all working!

School outside the "classroom":

We went to a park and we studied the wood bees.  They were quite entertaining.  We weren't sure if they were fighting or mating but they just crashed into each other in midair.  My 7 year old was loving it.

We also went to an aquarium that had homeschool days.  The kids loved it.

They all jumped on the scale to see how much they weighed compared to a shark.

 Ooooh, have I told you about these?  My answer to workboxes and I love them.  I get them at Target whenever I am there.  They are $4.99 a box so you can't just grab 10.  I grab 2 or 3 whenever I go and I put all they need for each lesson in one box.  For instance, for math I put a pencil, the manipulatives and the papers he is suppose to complete in one box.  They are Sterilite clip boxes but I can't find them online.

They make the day go smoother because I just say - are you done with your boxes?  And then they can go back to them and finish them.  Like it is really ever that easy though.  We have melt downs and the "But why?".  Our days don't always go smooth, in fact, they rarely do, but this momma is trying to learn to roll with the punches more.

How was your week?

I had to throw this in just for fun because our  little #4 is just so cute.

Weird Unsocialized Homeschoolers


  1. Wow I love your idea of the work boxes! That is totally something I would incorporate if we end up homeschooling! Pure genius :)

  2. I haven't seen those boxes. I'll have to see if our target has them. My workbox drawer system isn't working in this season because the Littles can pull it over.

  3. @Tracye
    Exactly, I was having so much trouble with the carts that I found these and I thought - yes - this could work and it has.

  4. @Carolyn
    Thanks! They seem to be good for organizing things too.

  5. How lovely to have time to watch the bees - I love homeschooling!
    I'm with you on computer programming. My 8yr old son's working through gamemaker (free dowloadable computer game making software) and has mild dyslexia so I read the online tutorial aloud, but he skips ahead of me when it comes to actually doing the stuff!
    I wish we had Target here in the UK. I picked up some great homeschool supplies when we were on vacation in Florida last year!

  6. @Lula B @
    I will have to check out gamemaker! Yes, Target is a must. I love it.


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