
Friday, July 12, 2013

Post Vacation Wrap Up - Missouri, Missouri, Missouri

What were we thinking?  Four children, four different stops in nine days in four different cities.  We went from northern Missouri to Branson, Missouri to Joplin, Missouri to Springfield, Missouri.

And it was fun, but exhausting!

We visited great-grandma.  She is a fabulous lady who is in her late 80's and still gets up early and fixes our breakfast.  She always makes a lot of food for us when we are there.  She is definitely all about serving.

 We introduced some cousins that had never met.

We played.

 We took mandatory pictures.

Then we headed south to Branson!

We swam in the pool a lot!

We went out on the town.

We went shopping.

 We went to the water park!

We did some local rides.

We went to the lake for some rock skipping lessons.

And to get our feet wet.

Then we decided to go to Silver Dollar City when it was 97 degrees outside and the heat index was 103.  Hot, hot, hot people!  I would not recommend it because the Ozarks is a hilly place and Silver Dollar City is no exception!  We were a sweaty, sweaty mess.

After our days in Branson, we headed over to Joplin.  Here is part of a park that was done when Extreme Home Makeover went there.  It was so cute!  We stayed in Joplin overnight to visit with more family and we had a great time.

Kids looking at the fish.

Then we headed to Springfield to spend our last few days there.  We visited with Grandpa and Grandma and played in the backyard.

And I got to do something I have been wanting to do for a while - visit Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds!  They not only have rare seeds but they had heirloom breeds of chickens.  It was so interesting!

My oldest really liked the animals.

The pioneer village was so cute.  We got to visit each "store" and try some homemade bread.  I bought some soaps and more seeds.  It was such a fun afternoon!

Then that evening we got to visit with more extended family that we love and miss!  We had a dessert party and a bon fire.

Then we got to relax a little with Grandpa and Grandma before heading home.

It was a great trip and our kids were wonderful little travelers (electronics do help).   We had a lot of fun but we don't think we will travel across a whole state on a vacation again - but maybe we will - you never know.


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