
Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Week In Review - a lot of apples

This was a pretty good week from what I remember of it.  I'm so glad I take pictures because my memory is awful (yes I know I say that almost every week).

School Stuff

My preschooler - he doesn't always like to wear shirts.  Just so you know.

We read the nursery rhyhms book again because he loves it (who knew) and asks me to.

We tried the hard and soft concept.  I put hard and soft objects in a basket and had him take them out and feel them.

He likes doing these.

Writing in salt - we worked on "a" and "t".

And then he decided his super heroes needed some time on the "beach" and pretended the ocean was close by.

We did the "C" match up from ABC Find It.  I love those printables and they are free.

We worked on cutting again.

I would call out something and he would find it and put a mark through it.

He just wanted to count the caterpillars.

 Then he wanted to trace it.

At first he marked the big "C" and the little "c" and then he decided to draw roller coasters on the pages.

We did the number rods (homemade cardstock laminated version).

We read this book from the library.

He picked out a square and I read the words and he matched it to the mat.

Co-op Activities:

We made mini Nile Rivers - we put dirt and sprinkled grass seed and made a river bed in the middle.  We plan to flood the Nile every week and watch the grass seed grow.

We did part 2 of our art lesson - weaving.

 Life Stuff

I made homemade cinnamon rolls for our church's men's breakfast for their work day.  I had help and I made plenty of extra for us at home.  I was so impressed with the girls and how they made their cinnamon rolls (we had my friend's daughter spend the night).

 I did something crazy - I did a smoothie fast for (suppose to be) 5 days.  I made it almost 4 days.  I lost a lot of weight in those short days and I managed to keep off at least half of it.  I think I will do it once a month but only for three days and add in a chicken salad or something.  The smoothies were so delicious though!  If you are interested in the recipes they are from here.  But don't do just 2 smoothies a day.  You will get hangry.  I get hangry anyway when I don't eat on time so this made it a lot worse.

And we are doing a 30 day crossfit at home challenge.  So far so good - I really like it!

This little bit likes to take everything off the bottom shelves.

 She made eggs!  My son made bacon.  I'm trying to convince them that they can do that weekly.

 Another bowl full of tomatoes from my garden.

He has started doing this to his hair.  Whatever.

She has started using a fork and using it pretty well.  The girl does like to eat.

 And seriously, this is what I did  My friend and I picked a ton of apples from her tree and from her neighbor's tree.  I can't let free apples go to waste so 40 pints of applesauce, 11 pints and 10 half pints of apple butter and 3 quarts of apple juice for jelly making - and I was done.
I had some help though my friend helped me a lot so we split the bounty.

And that was a peak into our week, how was yours?

1 comment:

  1. You are one busy and impressive lady! Enjoy your updates!


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