
Monday, August 25, 2008

On my Soapbox yet again

You know I had to speak. I just can’t help myself. I just watched Mrs. Michelle Obama speak at the Democratic Convention this lovely evening. And I just want to say, whether you are a Democrat or a Republican, a conservative or a liberal, a moderate or undecided, if you are waiting for a candidate for President to solve all of your problems – you will be waiting for a very long time. Am I telling you not to vote? Absolutely not, here is what I am telling you.

If you need health insurance, get it. Find a job that provides it. Go through a health savings account. Join AARP, AAA or some other organization that can help you get group coverage.

If you lose your job, find another one. If you have no skills, work at Starbucks/McDonald’s/Etc. and take some classes. Join an apprenticeship program. Start an in-home daycare, sell Mary Kay or anything else in this world.

If you are going to lose your home, sell it. If you cannot sell it, do everything you can to refinance it. If all else fails and you lose your home, learn from it. Start over and this time use cash and don’t go into debt.

If you or your children need an education and your local public school cannot provide a good one – find another school. There are scholarships for private schools. There is the homeschooling or charter school option.

My point is this. This is YOUR life and YOUR family. It is not the government’s responsibility to do things for you that YOU can do yourself. Be scrappy, be creative, be self reliant. Do it today! Did we learn nothing from Hurricane Katrina? You can say, well the government failed us. The government will always fail you if you sit down and think that they are going to come to your rescue.

Take charge of your life. Don’t vote for a President that will save you. Vote for a President that will do the job he was set up to do. Vote for a President that will protect the country, keep our freedom (so we can do all of the above) and allow us to PURSUE life, liberty and happiness – not try to give it to us.


  1. AMEN! Thank you so much for posting this, there are so many people who need to hear this!

  2. Very well put, Gretchen! I enjoy your soapboxes. :)

  3. Yes, Yes, Yes...I sure wish YOU were a news anchor on national TV...we need to get THIS message out! Well stated!

  4. Yes, Yes, Yes...I sure wish YOU were a news anchor on national TV...we need to get THIS message out! Well stated!


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