
Sunday, May 30, 2010

Menu Plan Monday, Week of May 31st

Well I am just doing a 2-week menu plan because I want to finish off the freezer meals from my last Bulk Freezer Cooking.  I am planning another one for next week and I want to have a mostly empty freezer for it.

Breakfasts are going to be easy this week.  I am going to use up some frozen waffles and muffins and cinnamon bread.  I will also be doing some bacon and eggs and probably some *gasp* cereal and organic poptarts (don't laugh they are pretty cheap at Costco).

Lunches will be salads (here is 50 great salad recipes) and/or leftovers.

Now for Supper (or you may call it dinner; if you are from the south you usually call it supper, but if you are from the north you might call it dinner):  *You can find most of the links to the recipes here.

May 31 - Tacos
June 1 - Salmon on the grill
June 2 - BBQ Beef and Beans on buns or baked potatoes
June 3 - Chicken Pesto Pasta (with frozen chicken and some frozen homemade pesto sauce)
June 4 - BBQ Pork Chops and steamed broccoli
June 5 - Honey Glazed BBQ Chicken
June 6 - Black Bean Burgers and hamburger buns
June 7 - BBQ Chicken and corn with baked potates
June 8 - Nachos
June 9 - Taco Chicken Casserole and tortilla chips
June 10 - BBQ Beef and Beans on buns and a salad
June 11 - Grilled Cheddar Burgers and Veggies
June 12 - Going to a wedding!
June 13 - Teriyaki Pork Chops and Brown rice and peas

Now my freezer should be empty and ready for my next 2 months worth of meals.  I am doing a lot of breakfast items this time because I have missed having easy breakfasts to grab and go.

For more menu ideas, please visit

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