
Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Hilton Head - You should go to there!

For our 10th anniversary, my husband and I took a trip to Hilton Head.  We chose Hilton Head for a few reasons.  One of which is that I don't like to fly and we could drive there in a day.  I had good recommendations from people that had been there and I figure you really can't go wrong going anywhere in the south so I was all for it!  We booked our hotel on Hotwire and got a really good deal.  This is a picture I took in the car on the way.

I took the above picture at a restaurant we went to called The BoatHouse.  It was by far our favorite place there.  We loved it!

More pictures at The BoatHouse.

This was where we layed out during the afternoons.  It was how we got our awesome tans that we only get once every ten years.

Another great thing about Hilton Head is that it has paved bike trails and you can ride on the beach but only during low tides. 

We took a day trip to Savannah, Georgia and that place is gorgeous.  Of course we had to go to the Lady and Sons, Paula Deen's restaurant.  It was good, but I told my husband it was a lot like eating in my grandma's kitchen because it was just good down home food.  Oh and when we got into town the outside of the restaurant was packed with people waiting to get in.  My husband and I walked up to the hostess table and they said, we can seat you now or at 3:00pm.  We said, "Now", and we got right in, but we did have to sit on the third floor.

And we stopped and looked at this really cool old cemetery.  It was beautiful.  I am weird like that but I love looking at old grave sites and reading about the people.

And then I took a picture of my husband by where they filmed the bench scene in Forrest Gump.  You know the one, "Life is like a box a chocolates . . . ".  But the bench is not there now, it was only there for the movie.  It is in a museum.
He was thrilled I made him take the picture.

I always have to take a feet picture.   It just has to be done.

And there was also an alligator that lived in a pond on our hotel's property.  We saw him several times but I didn't want to stand still to take a picture of him so I took one of the sign instead.

Oh Hilton Head, how I miss you?  I hope to see you next year and every year after that.  I also have to mention that my husband and I got to go on this vacation by ourselves because my awesome in-laws came to our house and stayed with our kids for a week.  It was a great week!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for finally putting up pics. I laughed at the "only get tans once every ten years." I miss Hilton Head...


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