
Monday, July 12, 2010

Read the Bible in 90 Days Challenge - Week 2

I did not blog last week because well, I did not blog last week, but I decided to take up this challenge the beginning of the year and I did not make it.  So here I am blogging about it and I am doing it.  Leviticus is a tough book to get through but it can be interesting to read.  A phrase that struck me from today's reading is "an aroma pleasing to the Lord".  It made me think that I want the sacrifices I make in my daily life to be "pleasing to the Lord".

Another verse that I also liked was Lev. 12:45 - "I am the Lord who brought you up out of Egypt to be your God; therefore be holy, because I am holy."  This is a verse that I need to add to my prayer binder when I am thanking God for his attribute of Holiness. 

I hope this blogging about the challenge will really keep me accountable to finish reading the Bible in 90 Days.  If I know anything about being a Christian it is that accountability is key!

Thank you to Mom's Toolbox for hosting this.

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