
Monday, August 23, 2010

Coupon Clippers

I know I have told you all that I love coupons and I hate them.  Well, I was reading this blog that I really like (Moderate Means) and she mentioned something about buying coupons from a coupon clipping service.  This is something I thought I would never do, but I experimented with it and bought some coupons from there last week.  The website is Kuntry Klippers

I decided that I would make a list of the brand name items we used and only buy coupons that fit that list.  Here is how it works, most of the coupons sell for $1.00 BUT that is for 20 coupons of the same item.  I bought Dawn liquid detergent ($.25 off), Ball canning jars ($1.00) and some toilet paper ones that I can't remember the name brand of.

Well, I only ever use blue Dawn because it has no phosphates and it has many uses (see here).  I also use it as my hand washing liquid.  I love things that do double duty.  Anyway, it was $0.97 a bottle at CVS last week, plus I had $5/$15 plus I had 20 $.25 off coupons so I bought 20 bottles and paid $10 which is $0.50 per bottle so I thought that was pretty good.

I also purchased 20 Ziplock coupons because as you know I do lots of freezer cooking.  This week they are having a great sale at Meijer and I am going to stock up on them this week.

I just wanted to share this idea with you in case you have ever thought about doing it.  I also bought several canning jars as well because Menards had a great sale on them last week so I have already saved more money than I spent on the coupons.

I bought more this week to take advantage of some men's shaving cream deals going on.  Has anyone else tried this?


  1. Thanks for the blog kudos - made my mornings!

    I'm so glad you tried it! I love it. I save so much money and I only get coupons for the things I would buy anyways. It's well worth a look every week and the coupons ship so quickly that you can get a sneak peek at next week's ads and order and they will arrive in plenty of time!

    Happy shopping :)


  2. That sounds like a lot of work to me! I'm not a coupon person either, I just buy what's on sale. After reading this I feel like I should be using coupons though....oh, the guilt!

  3. I have been using those services for years. This is a vital part of stocking up, but it seems that these days the expiration dates are running shorter and shorter. I had a friend once that ran one of these services. Talk about a pain having to cut out all of those hundreds of coupons every week! No way could I do that. LOL

  4. Hmmm...hadn't heard of this before. You know how I get excited about coupons...definitely something I'll have to consider. Twenty of the same one...oh, the possibilities!!:)


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