
Saturday, October 9, 2010

Super Savings Saturday, Week 2 of the $40 budget

Here it is, week 2 of my $40 a week grocery budget and I actually made it another week.  Well, I overspent by $1.00 but for me that is still success!  I went to Target and Aldi.  I didn't get a picture of my Aldi groceries, well I thought I did but the memory stick wasn't in the camera.  Yes, I know, I am brilliant.

I spent $20.16 at Target.  I bought 2 lunchables, 3 packages  of  Chips Ahoy Cookies (I know, but I did take them to a couple people's houses), gallon of milk, 2 loaves of bread, 2 Kikkoman teriyaki sauces, 12 mini loaf foil pans (to be used for Christmas gifts), 2 boxes of Triscuits, 2 pkgs. of Oscar Meyer lunch meat and GE light bulbs and 4 packages of Bic pens.  I found a new website called Totally Target where I found a lot of the deals with coupon match ups.

At Aldi I spent $20.58 because I got suckered into getting my son a $0.59 KitKat.  Oh, I can't believe I did that but he was so cute.  Anyway, at Aldi I just stocked up on some staples - 2 bags of flour, brown sugar, powdered sugar, regular sugar (I was making cinnamon rolls), 2 packages of butter, 2 gallons of  milk, vegetable oil and I think that was about it.

Again I will say that obviously what I bought doesn't make meals, but I have a lot of vegetables and fruit canned and frozen.  I still have some meat in the freezer as well, but I will need to stock up on that this coming week.  I am hoping to make it to Trader Joes sometime soon so I can see how  much I can get there for $40.00.  We shall see.


  1. Does this $40 a week include diapers, t.p. soap, etc.? If not, what is your budget with that stuff? I find that all that "stuff" costs more than what I spend on food! I would definitely like to find a way to spend less on all the necessities.

  2. Sonya,

    Good question. I actually have a lot of toiletry items because I have been doing CVS deals for quite a while. So I have a good amount of shampoo, deodorant, etc. As far as diapers, I still have several that I bought at Sam's last month and am now trying to find some good diaper deals because if I buy a box at Sam's it is $26-$29 so I am deciding what to do when I run out. I'll let you know how I work it in.


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