
Saturday, November 20, 2010

Menu Plan - 11.21.10

Thanksgiving week and I have barely thought about it.  All I can think of is Christmas this year for some reason.  And now we may go out of town because my husband has Thanksgiving off but we aren't yet sure what we are going to do.  Either way we still have to eat so here's my menu plan.  You may notice some similarities from last week.  It is easier that way especially breakfasts and lunches.


Oatmeal, blueberries and sliced almonds (may try this oatmeal in the Crock pot)
Whole Wheat English Muffin, Peanut butter and banana
Yogurt, fruit and Granola
Blueberry Whole Wheat Waffles and syrup


BBQ chicken and spinach in a whole wheat tortilla
Whole Wheat tortilla pizza with pepperoni
PB & J and grapes

Crockpot Baked Beans and Sausage and salad
Homemade Pizza (trying this pizza sauce this week) and salad
Taco Pasta, corn and salad
Thanksgiving Feast wherever we end up
Beans, cornbread and fried potatoes (because my husband wanted it and because it was one of the things my Grandma made and I like to think about her when I make it)

Trying out:
This Homemade Brownie Mix

1 comment:

  1. If you guys don't end up at my mom's we'll miss you but I hope you have a great Thanksgiving and a safe trip!


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