
Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Homemade Christmas - A few of their favorite things

Earlier in the school year, my son's school sent home a packet of papers that had all of the elementary teachers favorite things.  It had a little questionnaire that they filled out and they put down their favorite candy, drink, starbuck's drink and various other things.  I held onto it because I thought it might make a neat Christmas gift.  So before their school Christmas play, I went out and bought her favorite candy and small cans of Dr. Pepper (her favorite drink).  I bought a $5 Starbucks gift card and a Hobby Lobby gift card (because that was one of her favorite places to shop).

I made a bag to put it all in and printed out a matching tag.  I hope she enjoyed and I think it is a fabulous idea to give out these info sheets.  If your school doesn't do that maybe you could make up your own and see if you could ask your child's teacher to fill it out. You could even do those sheets for family members and have it handy for stocking stuffers.

If you are interested in making the bag tutorial is from here.  I did it slightly different but it is basically the same.


  1. That bag is so adorable! That's a great idea, I'm going to suggest it at the next PTO meeting.

  2. I think I am Isaac's teacher, too..... Do you want a list of my favorite things?

  3. What a super gift idea and the bag is gorgeous. I'm going to the tutorial now.
    Have a great day.


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