
Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Making Ornaments with Kids

 It snowed today.

My son played outside in the snow this afternoon.  I love December.  Snow in December is fabulous.  Although snow in January is annoying.  I want to do fun projects with the kids this month and I thought it would be fun to make dough ornaments.  My niece came over and I knew she would love to do it and she would be a big help.  The recipe is from McCormick's website.  Just go there and print it out.  It is really easy and really messy.  But it is worth the mess!

And my son was the one that picked out the bull with horns (if you can tell what the green ornament is).  We had the cookie cutter so that is what he wanted to do.  At least it was green.

Love, Love, Love Christmas in case you were wondering.


  1. Wow! You're a good mom (and a brave one). I got a kick out of the bull.

  2. Looks like so much fun!! Except for the clean-up, of course. :) But I'm sure it was worth it!


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