
Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Wednesday's week in review

I am going to try to use Wednesday as my day to remember what we did as a family in the last week.  This will update my few relatives that read my blog and will help me at the end of the year when I put together our Shutterfly year book.

I also haven't done a Christmas update so I'm a little late, but I'm still going to do it.

We had Christmas at my dad's on Christmas Eve.  My stepmom is fabulously creative and she always does neat things for the kids at Christmas (and at Easter and various other times during the year).  My dad always puts that DVD of a fireplace on the TV's. 

This year's project was snowmen.

We had great fun with our nephew's first Christmas.  He was pretty adorable in his Santa outfit.  My youngest son spent half the time under the Christmas tree playing with his cars.  It was pretty cute.  My older son got "the best gift ever" according to him which was a Wii Lego Indiana Jones game.  My daughter got a new doll.  She can't seem to get enough babies to take care of (wonder where she gets that from).  She names them names like Tasha and Kild - like Child only with a "K".  I'm not sure where she comes up with these names.

The next morning we opened our presents at home - only after we finished our Advent Jesse Tree story with the story of Baby Jesus.  It was wonderful and the kids loved it.  We opened our stockings first and then went at it opening gifts.  We pretty much decided last year (thanks to my friend Amanda) to get the kids three gifts each to symbolize the three gifts Jesus received.  Also it helps not to spend too much and put too much importance on getting stuff.  And then, of course, I had to make my boys matching pajama bottoms.  Miss Makenna and I had matching jammies too (that I bought last year on sale) but no way am I showing that picture.

Finally, we had Christmas at my Mamaw's house and I just have to share a few cute pics.  It was a really neat year.  My dad brought his guitar and we all sang songs (some Christmas and some not).  The kids played some Wii games and we ate a lot of food.

Katie (my cousin's little girl) kept trying to take pictures with her DS (I think that is what you call it).  I was amazed you could even do that.

There you have it - our Christmas in review. We had Christmas in Missouri earlier in December and I posted about that here.  We missed my Grandma Betty.  She loved Christmas so much.  But, we did have a wonderful Christmas and we feel so incredibly blessed that we did have so many Christmases with her.  I made her fudge and I plan to do that every year to remember her.  Hope you all had a great Christmas and I hope you have a very blessed New Year!

1 comment:

  1. It really looks like you had a wonderful Christmas. A lot of family time which is so great.
    The snowmen were so cute.
    I can't believe you wouldn't want to post a picture on the internet of you in your pajamas. LOL!
    Have a fabulous New Year my friend.


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