
Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Wednesday's Week in Review

What in the world do we do in an ordinary week?  Well, we . . .

Play some made up indoor games because its cold out and mommy's going crazy

We make pancake letters for breakfast.

 We grab the camera and take pictures of ourselves while mommy is busy going crazy.

We make bacon and cheese muffins because we like to get messy and bake (and not wear our pants).

We fight crime because we are . . . Batman.

 We have friends over and play Mario Cart on the Wii.

And we wear clown wigs.

 And we make chains of 100 paperclips to take to school on our 100th day of school.

And we ask to have our picture taken when we wear our pink tutu outfit.

So what do you do on your ordinary days?

1 comment:

  1. Was the hubby afraid of baby C since he was dressed as a clown??


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