
Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Wednesday's Week in Review . . . February Part 2

Have I said lately how much I love my family?  The Bible is so correct - children are a blessing from the Lord.  Yes,  we have our crazy days, but above and beyond they are the best thing I could ever do with  my life.

I think there was some singing and dancing involved in this picture

Oh yeah - playin in the snow

And they're off - Little man likes to be pushed in the baby stroller

The fabulous Miss M doing great at cutting

Here she is reading the Bible

Here we are doing some domino math - doing my best to make math fun:)

Oh yes and our friend Miss C brought over her new Wii game for us to try out.

And here's Miss A on the phone with her husband who is away going through basic training
And here is the gang making a mess with some popcorn and lemonade slushies watching Diego

Our letter of the week is T and Miss M decides to make this all on her own with scrap paper!
Here's the Iman practicing his dribbling skills

This might be a mad face because he did not want to do his puzzle

A moment of sibling calmness while playing a match game

And of course you should wear 2 hats out when it is 18 degrees or so she thinks

Poor kid, his sister thought he might have a boo boo on the back of his hair so she stuck a bandaid on it:(
That is it - another week at our extraordinary ordinary house.  
We love everyday of it!


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