
Monday, March 14, 2011

How do you have time?

My dad asked me a question the other day.  Apparently he has been reading my blog (don't tell him I told you).  No, I think he only reads it occasionally.  His question was this - how do you have time to blog? 

If you have read my blog for any length of time you probably know that I love to cook from scratch and this does take some time although I have tried to streamline it some so I am not always in my kitchen.  Plus I do have a husband and three kids to take care of, not to mention a house to clean, laundry to fold and put away and various other daily tasks.  You would think this would keep me busy and you would be right.

Here is just the plain truth - how do I have time to blog - I make time.  We all have 24 hours in a day.  We all choose how we spend our time - wisely or not.  I have some big things that I make sure I accomplish during the day including my Bible study and prayer, I *try* to fit in exercise most days of the week.  I must feed my family and I do my best to keep the house looking tidy.  I have to run some errands during the week.  But there are a few precious hours a week that I claim for my own.

The bottom line is that we all find time to do the things that we enjoy.  I enjoy writing and not everyone does so to other people writing a blog would be torture.  I also stay at home and really enjoy connecting with other women who do what I do (hint - I love reading your comments).  I also like to pass on things that work for me in hopes that they might work for someone else.

During the week I will write several blog posts and save them and just write a few things each day.  A lot of my blog posts have been written ahead of time.  I blog early in the mornings or usually after 8 at night although sometimes I do it during naptime or when my husband gives the kids their baths.  It is therapeutic for me.

And in all honestly I can write a blog post in about 20 minutes. So I don't spend hours a day blogging. 

And there you have my answer.  Some of us make time to watch TV.  Some of us make time to play the Wii or crochet.  All of us make time for doing the things we want to do.  Okay, so my house is a little dusty and maybe I leave the laundry in the dryer a little too long and I probably should mop my kitchen floor more often but I will make time for those things too, eventually.


  1. You are so right - we make time to do what we find important or of value. I don't have the life you do (rather than caring for kids I care for a grandpa) but I find myself busier than I understand. Even when I was working full time and had an active social life I found time to blog. I find it enjoyable, relaxing and a great way to unwind and process. And like you, comments are super fun :).

  2. Hi! This is my first visit here, saw your comment from Homesteader's Heart and loved the title of your blog! What a great post, how true, we find time for what we want to do. I"m looking forward to spending some time here and coming back soon!!

  3. Thanks for stopping by and commenting ladies!

  4. I bet you'll get a lot of comments on this one :) I never knew you prewrite your blogs and then post them at a later clever! Some days I have a lot to say, sometimes I go for weeks without feeling a need to say a word. Your idea may just meet my blogging needs. You are an awesome keeper of your home, and I do appreciate reading your blog.


I love comments!