
Sunday, March 6, 2011

Its All About the Plan - The Menu Plan

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I am just tired of labeling this post "Menu Plan Monday" when I almost always post it on a Sunday and forget to link up anyway so I'm changing it and besides the week starts on Sunday so I cannot wrap my brain around starting my menu plan on Monday although Menu Plan Monday sounds better than Menu Plan Sunday - wow, where did that come from?

Anywho, here is my menu plan for the week - starting on Sunday, posting on Saturday . . .

Whole wheat English muffin, natural peanut butter, banana and milk 
Yogurt, fresh or frozen fruit and granola
Oatmeal topped with milk, maple syrup, blueberries and slivered almonds
Whole Grain waffles, blueberries, maple syrup (Saturday)


PB & J, carrots, apples
*I am so not creative when it comes to lunch - I should put down cereal and popcorn because we do that sometimes too.


Chili & Cheese Twice Baked Potatoes from the freezer (OAMM) and steamed broccoli and peaches

Ranch Parmesan Chicken from the freezer (OAMM), salad and corn and Crock Pot Berry Cobbler

Cinnamon Pecan Crusted Salmon, salad, sundried tomato risotto from the freezer (OAMM) and strawberry peach slushie

Roasted Herb Lemon with Chicken (I love all in one Crock pot meals!) and pear pineapple mini gelatin cups

Sundried tomato burgers from the freezer (OAMM) , homemade whole wheat hamburger buns, homemade freezer fries, corn and salad

Pizza - BBQ Chicken Pizza or Chicken Alfredo Pizza or Sloppy Joes Pizza  

Leftover Buffet

Well that is the plan for this week.  And I was thinking of that phrase, "You know what they say about the best laid plans . . . " and then I thought, "No!  I don't know what they say about the best laid plans" so I Googled it and I still don't know.  Do you?


  1. I didn't know either...but seriously - did you make it to wikipedia? :) "The best laid schemes o' mice an' men / Gang aft agley." (The best laid schemes of mice and men / Go oft awry.)

    Hope your meal plan is better oft. (?)


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