
Monday, April 29, 2013

15 Weekly Goals

Last week's Goals:


  • Make a Daily Dozen plan - 12 exercises to do nightly - on Skimble
  • Memorize my Bible verse - write it down, stick it on the fridge and practice it!
  • Start a Shutterfly book for the boys birthdays coming up in June.  (Not done!


  • Continue experimenting with dehydrating
  • Make yogurt and cream cheese
  • Do a freezer cooking session with two friends (this is scheduled for Thursday)


  • Work on carving out a weekly date night time - arrange babysitting. **Must do this!  (didn't happen)
  • Read more of the Kindle book -What its like being married to me.


  • Work on manners at the table - STILL!
  • Work on being more independent with daily chores and school
  • Read a chapter a day of the kids book I am reviewing
  • Continue to read books to my middle two before naptime

Ministry/Friendships/Extended Family

  • Encourage others - send a verse once a week with encouraging words via text, e-mail or phone call and write two encouraging notes per week
  • Invite someone over for a meal or a snack
  • Keep Mom's group going

This week's Goals:


1. Do the daily dozen plan (on Skimble) every morning
2. Memorize my Bible verse - write it down, stick it on the fridge and practice it!
3. Start a Shutterfly book for the boys birthdays coming up in June. 


4. Look into pasta making and dehydrating
5. Plan next month's freezer cooking session with friends


6. Work on carving out a weekly date night time - arrange babysitting. **Must do this!
7. Read more of the Kindle book -What its like being married to me.


8.  Work on being consistent at the schedule that is working right now
9.  Work on being more independent with daily chores and school
10.  Read a chapter a day of the kids book I am reviewing

Ministry/Friendships/Extended Family

11. Encourage others - send a verse once a week with encouraging words via text, e-mail or phone call and write two encouraging notes per week.
12. Invite someone over for a meal or a snack
13. Keep Mom's group going


14. Work on E-book
15. Work on figuring out blog design

What are you working on this week???

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