
Thursday, May 16, 2013

This week in my little garden

This is where my radishes reside.  There are peas in the back too.

She is helping me pull some radishes.

He is helping me plant some green beans.

The blueberries are coming on.

More planting.

My blackberry bushes are doing well.

Peas are in the back and I planted pepper plants in the front.

More peas in the back with some pepper plants and some tomato plants.

Strawberries gone wild.

To recap, I have lettuce, spinach, radishes, carrots and peas that are doing well.  My blueberries, blackberries and strawberries are coming along nicely too - hopefully they stay that way.  I just planted some tomato and pepper plants (banana, hot and sweet).  My herbs are doing great although I didn't get a picture of those.  I also just planted some green beans and black eyed peas.

My biggest problem is watering everything because my square foot boxes are around the side of the house and it is a pain to take the hose over there every time.  I would like to try some clay pot irrigation - does anyone have any good (and easy) ideas for me????


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