
Saturday, June 8, 2013

Week In Review . . . Summer, Summer, Summertime

Have I told you how much I love summer?  Well, I do - I LOVE summer.  I love laid back days.  I love when the kids stay up late with us and sleep in (especially the sleeping in part).  I love getting outside and gardening and going to the drive in.

I think I missed doing this last weekend so here goes.  Going back to Memorial Day weekend - we had a fun time at my Dad and T's with our immediate family.

My brother and niece

They love any kind of water

My dad and my daughter and niece

Bathing beauties
My niece (one month older than my daughter) had her first birthday party and my sister is very creative.  Here is how she did her daughter's one month birthday.

She looked like a 20's doll to me.
We have also been doing lots of fun things from the summertime calendar that I put together.  We've been doing things at the library, going to visit friends and relatives and going to local places like museums.

Wacky Olympics at the library

Wearing sister's glasses

Just being cute

The "pool" at Mimi's

She did not like the water.


Second cousins

Visiting my cousin's house

My niece spent the night

Took the girls (my niece and daughter) to Orange Leaf for some FROYO

My crazy nephew

My son climbing a tree at my brother's

My niece made this with the kit I bought her

At a cool kids museum

a "tornado" at the museum we visited

Cloud balls at the museum

Here she was - ready to escape!
Still working on her cooking skills

Science experiment part one

Part II

Part III

Part IV - yeast and water vs. yeast, water and cookies - which bag got bigger!
As you can see we aren't stopping the learning throughout the summer but we are adding as much fun as possible. 

 Do you have some fun plans for the summer?


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