
Sunday, August 4, 2013

Week in Review - Our First Camping Trip Ever plus the State Fair

Our friends called us on a Saturday and said - "hey want to go with us to an amusement park on Monday and by the way we camp?".  We rushed around and decided that we would love to go but we had never been camping.  Sunday came around and we heard from them again and they wanted to leave that night.  So at about 4pm my husband runs to Gander Mountain to buy a tent - it was about what we would spend on a hotel anyway plus we could reuse it!

We left a little late and we ended up setting up camp in the dark with a tent we had never put up before.  Talk about an adventure!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  It was crazy awesome!

The kids in the tent
 Then there was this cat who would not leave us alone.  It loved my husband.  Which is hilarious because I am not a cat person.  I am allergic and think they are creepy.

It would not leave his side but it finally decided to leave our camp thank goodness!  Here is our campfire.

Below is my daughter and her friend and our new tent!

If you knew me in real life you would know that coffee is how I accomplish everything.  Of course we had to bring a percolator and we had to have coffee made over the campfire.  This made the trip for me.  I can definitely go camping again now that we know how to make the coffee.

The playground was right behind us!

And this was really close to us too.

Then we headed out and spent the day at the amusement park and the weather was mild and great!

Back at home the kids continue to act crazy.  Here Miss M is being a spy girl.

And here are the boys at the dentist's office.  They wrestle everywhere.  I love it.  Right.

My husband won tickets to our State Fair and I LOVE our State Fair.

Then Sunday we were able to see a baptism in the pastor's pool and then we got to swim and eat and fellowship.

We had a very fun week.  Can I just say how thankful I am for family and friends?

How was your week?



  1. WOW! Looks like a fantastic time :)

  2. Wow! Looks like a fantastic time!

  3. Looks like you all had a wonderful time. Congratulations on making it through your first camping experience. Hope you get to do it often. BTW I totally agree with you about the coffee! ;)


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