
Monday, September 2, 2013

Impromptu Freezer Cooking Session (light on the cooking)

My friend and her kids came over the other night.  She lives like 3 minutes from me and we just discovered each other about 6 months ago.  Can I tell you how I wish I would have known she was here all along?

I borrowed butter from her the other day.  Which I know doesn't sound exciting but I have lived in my house for 7 years and haven't had a neighbor I could borrow butter from.

I was super excited.

Anyway, she came over and lucky for me, her daughter loves to cook and bake.  So being a good friend I had to think of something for her to do - and she ended up doing this mostly herself with some assistance from me and my daughter.

She made brownie mixes first and then she made brownies.  I made the breakfast burritos while she was making the brownie mixes and then she made coconut baked oatmeal muffins.

And then after they left I made bread kits.

She inspired me.

I decided to have them come over every Sunday night.


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