
Saturday, September 28, 2013

Week in Review - being real, going to the apple orchard and more

School Stuff

Our Preschooler (4 year old)

This week I did trays for my preschooler from the Montessori book that I talked about earlier in the week.

Practical life - folding

Red and blue number rods and numbers (homemade):

Salt tray for writing:

Here is a bag I put together for him to feel the things and then guess what they were.

 Here he is folding:

Here he is tracing the numbers.  They are felt.

Then I held them in my hand and had him draw a number and tell me what it was.

He matched up the number rods with the numbers.

We did shapes today in the salt.

He loves to play with his "guys" in the salt.

He reached in the bag and had to guess what was in it before he could pull it out.

They did some creating on their own too.

The next day was not as good.  This is a little fit he threw.  Today we were matching and folding socks for practical life.

He'd much rather use the socks as puppets.

I was able to buy this from Lakeshore Learning this week.  It is the Alphabet Zoo.  I had had my eye on it for a while and I had a 20% coupon  that was about to expire to I snatched it up.  He loves this.  He has played with it several different ways.  I haven't done anything with him this week with it.  I just let him play with it.

 He got the glass rocks and put his animals in there too.

Kindergarten (Montessori school)

I don't do much school at home with her - more practical life things.  But she wanted to trace her brother's cursive writing.

She also likes to make wacky creations with household items.

I made these a long time ago and I thought they were lost but I found them again this week.  Grocery store printables - they made their own lists by picking out the pictures and putting them in baggies or on the grid.  Then I gave each of them a reusable bag to put their stuff in.  She loved it.  She made sure she got everything on her list.

The 8 year old

He's not a fan of me taking pictures so sometimes I have to sneak but this week he was oddly cooperative.  Here we are listening  to history audio and doing our weekly lapbook.

He wanted to get in on the practical life and wanted to fold socks - say what?

We are still working through his HWOT cursive book.

I finally got the timeline all together for our history (5 chapters in).  We used it to review this week.

We also use our lapbook to review.

 He helped his brother get the right animal to the right starting sound.

We watched Peter and Wolf for music.


We were going to go to the percussion museum downtown but they had road closures so we went to the apple orchard instead.

We learned about apples.

Climbed the hay hill.

Then my friend's daughter decided she wanted to make the apple dumplings she saw at the kitchen at the apple orchard.  So I said yes of course.

And it was so worth it.

Life Stuff

We did not do a lot this week so I'll just show some baby girl pics.

Love this - she is eating popcorn with Daddy.

"Reading books" with her brother.

And just being cute in her jammies.

 Well, that was our week in review.  How was your week?


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