
Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Give-A-Way - The Sparkle Box

I was so excited when I saw this book.  It looked like something my kids and I would enjoy doing.

About The Sparkle Box - A Gift with the Power to Change Christmas 
Sam is so excited about Christmas! He's thinking about his Christmas list, looking forward to holiday parties, and puzzling over one very mysterious gift: a sparkly box sitting on the mantel. In the midst of the festivities, Sam and his family participate in various acts of kindness to others. On Christmas morning, when Sam finally opens the Sparkle Box, he finds only slips of paper that record the family's good deeds. Sam's mom explains that the things that they've been doing are, in fact, a gift for Jesus, for Jesus said that whatever we do for those in need, we do for Him. 

Written by Jill Hardie
Illustrated by Christine Kornacki
Available now!
Hardcover with jacket, 10 x 10, 32 pages, with a fold-out sparkle box included!
ages 4 to 8

We have read this book and we have taken out our sparkle box and put it together.   I want to make sure the kids understand that doing good for someone else isn't about what we get out of it though.  I want them to understand why we do good, why we love our neighbor, it is not for our own sakes or a pat on the back.

It is"in fact, a gift for Jesus, for Jesus said that whatever we do for those in need, we do for Him".

It has been interesting to put things into the sparkle box.  It has made my daughter a little more aware of doing things for others.  I think it will be so neat to read these on Christmas day.  The book is so beautifully illustrated too.  It is a sweet book to read this time of year.

We have it out as a reminder so that we have a lot of time.  I'm hoping we can come up with some creative things to do as a family for others during the holidays (and throughout the year for that matter).


Author Bio
Author Jill Hardie and her family began placing a gift for Jesus under their Christmas tree as a way of bringing more meaning to the holiday.  The first time they opened His gift, the commercialism of the season melted away and they felt a profound joy and peace.  Jill hopes that The Sparkle Box will spark a new Christmas tradition, bringing light into thousands of lives.  

Illustrator Bio
At a very early age, Christine Kornacki developed a love for painting and bringing stories to life.  After receiving a BFA in illustration from the University of Hartford, her dreams of illustrating children's books began to take shape.  She spends her days painting in her studio, which adjoins a charming cafe in New Haven, Connecticut. 

I have one to give-a-way!  If you would like to enter just leave your e-mail address and a comment about something you can do for others this season (especially with kids). 

The give-a-way ends on 11/20/13 at 9pm EST.

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  1. We like packing shoe boxes for Operation Christmas child!

  2. We are also doing OCC boxes and we just love to spend time decorating and having fun!

  3. We want to go visit our elderly neighbor who was recently put in a Home. This is one of the errands on my to do list (picking up this book!) so i guess I will wait a bit and cross my fingers!

    I work really hard to get as many good deals on canned goods as possible starting around Halloween with the goal of stocking as much as I can for the local food pantries. We also make cookie plates to give to the neighbors!

  5. I like to do the Senior tree at our local CVS where a senior writes what they want on an ornament. My kids are not that into it. I also do Operation Christmas Child and the kids also don't quite get what is going on but maybe this year because they are older.

  6. We are donating to our local food pantry that provides meals for needy kids this holiday season
    mannasweeps (at) gmail DOT com

  7. My children and I collect food for the hungry, and we do random acts of kindness!

  8. We send food to the school can drive and take Christmas cards to the nursing home.

  9. My nieces go to the children's hospital with me <3

  10. I plan to participate in our neighborhood store's Christmas Toy Drive.

  11. My husband recycles cans and bottles all year at work, saves the money up and buys a bunch of toys, blankets and stuff for the local crisis center.

  12. I would love to add this book to our library. We participated in Operation Christmas Child this year.
    Georgia Beckman

  13. we did a thanksgiving meal with the food pantry and our church!

  14. We are packing boxes for OCC, too.

  15. My kids (the Jr class at church) and I are going to make cards and send them to the soldiers this Christmas.

  16. We make cookies plates for our neighbors, we take food donations for the food pantry, in years past we have helped serve food at "community meals" for those less fortunate (not sure what the schedule is this year so haven't signed up yet). Thanks for the giveaway!

  17. we normally make cookies for all the neighbors and this year we cannot manage it and our neighbors invited us to their house this year for thanksgiving since we are having trouble with managing these last few months!! so kind of them!!

  18. oh and my email is goldengirl7763(@)(Hotmail)(dot)(com)

  19. My kids picks out a toy they really, really want and then they donate it.

    lissalucky at gmail dot com

  20. We usually donate to a food pantry and my son likes to put money in the salvation army kettle. jonesfd(at)aol(dot)com

  21. My niece, nephew and myself do many crafts throughout December. These are there x mas gifts to family. We deliver it, along with cookies we bake, to friends and family who can not come to visit us.

  22. Donate to the local food bank.

  23. We donate to our churches food and toy drives every year so that families who don't have as much are able to have a christmas dinner and presents.

  24. We donate to the food pantries and this time of the year we pick a couple of families from the giving tree at my kids school.

  25. I love this season and we teach our kids it's great to help out the community- we donate to a lot of organizations and we adopt a soldier over seas every year and be sure to send lots of goodies

  26. I can donate some toys to toys for tots or adopt a child from the angel tree.

  27. My hubby and I sponsor a family though our church. We buy present for their kiddos and part of their Christmas dinner. :)

  28. We usually donate some toys to the children's hospital and adopt a family at Christmas time. This post was the perfect reminder that I actually have some gifts to mail out already, so thank you! :)

  29. We like to take food baskets to families that we know can use them.

  30. We try to donate to the local food pantry. I try to get the kids to understand some people have it hard and it's good to help those in need.
    chestnutmsmith at gmail dot com

  31. We packed shoe boxes for Operation Christmas Child.

  32. Donate to the local food shelter.

  33. We get baskets together and toys for local families in need

  34. We are going to get an Angel Tree and donate some gifts the kids pick out. :)

  35. We like to go caroling around the hospital and retirement homes with the Sunday school and youth group at church! Thanks for the chances.

  36. we adopted several soldiers and their kids! We tried to get single parents.

  37. My daughter and I participated in Operation Christmas Child!

  38. We donate to the Salvation Army and the food banks.

  39. go through gentle used toys


  40. We are donating items for the tornado victims in Washington, IL

  41. I made a shoe box for Operation Christmas Child.

  42. We have done the Christmas Shoe Box at church this week and the next is the Angle tree at the mall, I let my kids pick out one name each and let them choose one item to be put under the angle

  43. My kids and I volunteer every weekend (event permitting) at a variety of nonprofits! My husband and I were both in the Peace Corps, and we love to instill the value of volunteer service on our kids. We've done soup kitchens, hospitals, shelters, tons of stuff! My email is

  44. We did a shoebox for Operation Christmas Child, and will probably ring the bell for Salvation Army.

  45. We love to buy gifts for the salvation army kids. I let my kids pick out a child their age and we buy gifts for them.

  46. We always donate to the Salvation Army and donate toys to the Toys for tots!!

  47. I help make quilts for children in need during the year.

    allibrary (at) aol (dot) com

  48. We love buying gifts for the Angel Tree project that Salvation Army sponsors. You pick a paper angel and buy a gift for the child named on the angel ornament.

  49. My family and I donate food to shelters in our area.

  50. I actually like to participate in the program described by the poster just above me :) the Angel Tree project! I hope to be able to do more things in the future

  51. One of the things we do is make cards for the elderly and take them to nursing homes to pass out after we sing for them. cwitherstine at zoominternet dot net

  52. We are going to shovel snow for some of our neighbors.

  53. Donating toys and clothes is a great way to help. lexbaylor27 at gmail dot com

  54. I give blood every December
    juleemm2003 at yahoo dot com


I love comments!