
Saturday, November 9, 2013

Week(s) in Review - Lots of pictures (I needed to catch up)

I haven't updated in a couple weeks so this post is LOADED with pictures.  You have been warned.  Scroll down at your own risk.

We practiced pouring with my 4 year old and now he does pretty well at pouring out of cartons.  I only have let him do half gallons at this point.

Some cursive writing practice to help my lefty be a little neater.

We've been really trying to do almost daily walks outside no matter how cold - to get energy out, to get sunshine and to improve my mood, ha ha.

Land forms!  We've been working on these.  We build them with play dough and then we build them with rocks and pour water in and the younger ones play with the animals on them.

More School Stuff

Here we are making islands and I showed them Hawaii.

My oldest did some more animal classification and then we grabbed a book and looked up so more information.

So my 4 year old decided he could read the first Bob Book.  So I let him.  I mean can my kids be more different????

This little girl got to experience some fun Montessori things at her sister's school.

We got to go to my daughter's school for their Halloween party.  She passed out her suckers.


We made land forms together.

My friend has the land form app on her IPad.  I need to get me one of those.

Then the kids decided to play animal charades but we made them tell what classification the animal was from before they acted it out and we guessed.  Learning and fun and it was their idea!

She's a turtle.

They were listening to some music and doing a worksheet.

 Conducting music.

 We collected some leaves and she traced one and colored it.

We made landforms from paper one day but that was not a hit.

We used the ancient Egypt Safari Ltd. TOOB to review our history.

 We went to the Rythym Discovery Center downtown for a field trip.  It was LOUD!

He thought it was very loud.

Life Stuff

This picture just cracks me up.  My little guy set up his wrestlers (with Daddy's help).  I think it stayed this way for about two days.

We went to visit my cousin who had just had a baby and got to ride on this cool golf cart through the hospital.

My niece painted my face and my daughter's just for fun.

My daughter's friend stayed over and they cooked stuff.

And of course my daughter made a checklist of things they would do during their sleep over.  She wrote the first part (make up ) and my niece wrote the other items.

She helped me sew some easy things!

We went to a pumpkin patch with my sister and her family.

This cracked me up.  All the animals in the petting zoo kept coming around the baby's stroller.  I think they were sure there was food in there.

Hey folks, "I'm Batman".

The best I could do with them for trick or treating.  My oldest decided at the last minute to go so this was the costume we threw together.

She organized her candy into piles.

I was able to go away for a day to Ikea and Jungle Jim's with friends.   Never been to Jungle Jim's.  It was a crazy awesome grocery store!

I taught my niece to do the bridge - card shuffling.

She likes the closing of the lids so I keep them within her reach so she can do it whenever she wants.  Plus she's so cute.

 That was a peak into our last two weeks!  Sorry about all the pics but I just had to include them all.

How was your week?


1 comment:

  1. Wow, you really are doing great with the schooling. I've got my oldest enrolled in Connections Academy now and she is just loving it, and I am loving not having to try to teach Algebra:)


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