
Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Christmas gift ideas - Gift for babies or toddlers {a repost}

I am re-posting some posts of Christmas' past.

My friend Sonya sent me her list of things she was making for Christmas.  Both of the items above were on that list and I thought they were so cute I knew I had to make them for my two little nephews.  Except that I only got one owl done so I will have to make my other nephew his for his birthday.

They were actually kind of fun to make.  The owl was hard for me for some reason but I think they turned out cute.  If you are interested in making either one of these I will share where I found the tutorials.

The hand held bean bags are from here.  Although she doesn't have a tutorial on her site.  I just used my tag blanket tutorial that I did a few years ago.  I made the bean bags smaller, of course and filled them with popcorn instead of beans because I had a lot of popcorn.

The owl is from here.

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