
Thursday, December 5, 2013

More Random Acts of Christmas Kindness - cookies, cookies, cookies and the Fire station

The last few days we have been making cards and making cookies for our RAOCK

We did the Dollar Store on Monday and on Tuesday we made cards to the military and I mailed them today.

I showed the kids this video to make it a little more real to them about what they were doing.

Today our "wrestlers" told us we were making cards.  I chose the wrestlers because my 4 year old son is obsessed with them and basically plays with them all day and sleeps next to them every night.

We made cookies on our homeschool co-op day and we wrapped them and took them several places.

Yesterday was the day we were to bake cookies and take them to our neighbor but I had a cold so we made cookies on this day instead.

Those crazy wrestlers

 And this was the day the wrestlers "told" the kids we were taking cookies to the firehouse.

I've been talking with the kids about giving and why we should do it - expecting nothing in return.  But today they got such a blessing. 

We made the cookies.

We took them to the firehouse.

And guess what?  They invited us in and let us tour the place and get on the fire trucks.  The kids were beyond excited!

See the kid in the yellow coat?  My son - he was that excited!

I know its blurry but they were very interested in the axes.  The guy that worked there was so great to answer all of our questions.

My son especially wanted to know what this missile-like thing was.  It is what they use to break through floors to get to basements and such and it has holes in it to spray out water too.

The girls loved the big kitchen.

The boys loved the XBOX.

It was incredible and we are going to try to make it more of a monthly ritiual.  The firemen said they'd love for us to come back because it breaks up the monotony of the day plus I think they might have liked our cookies.

We then took some cookies to our local police station.

One of the boys decided they loved the one way mirror and wanted one for their room.

Then we went to a favorite local mechanic and the town hall.  The nice lady at the town hall gave the kids all suckers - again, something they weren't expecting.

We also stopped on our street and handed a plate of cookies out the window to some men working on our street.  

Lastly, we took cookies to our elderly neighbor lady who can't really get out.  We made cards too and she told us she really loved the card.

There were some great teachable moments for the kids.  It was cold out and kind of rainy but they all wanted to get out at every stop and hand out the cookies. 

It was so neat to see them in action today.  We must make this more a part of our daily lives.


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