
Monday, February 6, 2012

This week's 10 Goals - February 2012

I missed doing my goals (or at least putting them on paper) for several weeks months now. 

I am back at it this week so here are some new goals to work on for this week:

This week's goals:

Mothering Goals
1. Work with my oldest on emptying the dishwasher by himself.  *I reorganized the kitchen this weekend and put all of the dishes down on his level (something recommended in Montessori circles).  This is making it easier for him to do.
2. Work on having the kids get their morning chores done without much help or reminders from me.

Personal Goals
3. Work on doing the 10 Minute Solutions videos on Netflix and 30 minutes of walking at least 4 days a week.
4.  Catch up on memorizing Colossians.

Home Management Goals
5. Keep the "one load of laundry a day" consistent.
6. Pack up any extra stuff in closets to get ready to sell the house.
7.Organize the school room closet.
8.Work on the paper monster that has piled up in our computer hutch.

Ministry Goals
9. Make a freezer meal to give away to someone who could use it.
10. Write two encouraging notes this week.

I will be doing this list using my M.I.T. (most important tasks) and my daily docket.


  1. Could you elaborate on "Goal #6" please?! :) I didn't know you were moving.

  2. @Lindsey
    Well, we aren't moving yet but we would like to sell our house and get, you know, a bigger one with some land.


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