
Thursday, March 15, 2012

Preschool Busy Bag Activity - Color Sorting

I participated in a preschool busy bag swap a while back and I am so glad I did.  I finally have organized all of the activities (which I will share about in a later post) and we are now using them quite a bit.  This one is a favorite with my 2 1/2 year old.  My four year old likes it too but it is really easy for her.

You have four colors - red, blue, green, yellow.  Then you have objects of the same color to sort into the paper bags.

Check out the original post from My Delicious Ambiguity.  You can download your own FREE copy of the color sorting printables from Home Grown Hearts.

In this bag there are mostly just objects that the person picked out like foam shapes, pom poms, straws and other things.  You can download the printables or just find things you already have around your house.  It all folds up and fits in a gallon size zip top bag.

We are working on color recognition.  He can see what colors match but sometimes he has a hard time putting a name to all of them.

Another color matching thing he loves is this duck color puzzle.  You can download it in Confessions of a Homeschooler's Pond Theme pack (pages 8-9).  I laminated it for more durability.  He does really well at this with only a little help from me.

Do you have any busy bag ideas that work well at your house?

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