
Saturday, March 17, 2012

Weekly School Wrap Up

This week we had fabulous weather.  It was hard to stay inside very much.  We did manage to accomplish school though.  I had parent/teacher conference with my son's teacher (he goes to a hybrid charter school for those that don't know - homeschooled three days a week and at the learning center 2 days a week).  The conference went well.  His teacher is very encouraging and always just gives me ideas and resources to use.  The biggest drawback to me about public schools is the standardized testing and how everything is tied to that.  It limits teachers and students.  I know there needs to be a better solution I'm just not sure what that is yet.

Now onto the week:

First Grader

He is doing his math online.  Part of it is online and part is offline.  They had a very fun "germ" game to play this week.  He loved it and we played it several times.

He also took a break and played with his siblings with our St. Patrick's Day sensory bin.  They really liked this.

He was also student of the week at his school this week so he was able to bring in something to show the class and so he brought in his Bey Blades.  He even used my camera and video taped battles on my phone while narrating what was happening.  It was quite funny.

I instituted D.E.A.R. Reading Time this week.  1+1+1=1 described it and I thought it was a great idea.  Basically you just drop everything and read.

Fun Times

His grandparents came over and brought bubbles and we played Frisbee outside too.

His sister was crying because she missed her cousin and he brought this blanket and wrapped it around her and put his arm around her and was talking very sweetly to her AND I caught it on camera.  I love moments like this. (Just ignore the laundry behind them that needs folding).

I got out the sidewalk chalk when our little neighbor girls came over and you can't see it very well but Iman wrote "I am the Hunter, Beware"  It was quite hilarious.

Preschool (with my 4 year old)

She was decorating her "E" sheet while I did math with my older son.

She also loved playing with our St. Patrick's Day sensory bin.  

I also got out the clothes line busy bag for her and my younger son to play with while we were doing some math.

Since the letter was E I got out some of my previously printed and laminated things.  This is numbered egg cards that I had her put in order.

We are currently working on her writing her name.  I am trying to get her to write it correctly with her first letter capitalized and the rest in lower case but she doesn't like writing her "e" in lower case which we worked on this week.

Doing some of her K5 papers from Abeka.

She still loves doing the USA puzzle and we are working on state recognition with that.

Fun Stuff

She also helped me plant my onion sets this week all while wearing a tiara. 

She got the big bubble wand and she loved it.

Tot (2 1/2 Year Old)

Here we are doing our calendar time notebooks and I am trying to say the picture that begins with "E" and have him circle it.

I also got out a spooning busy bag for him to do and he enjoyed doing it for a little while.

I already told you about his color sorting busy bag earlier this week.  He really likes this one.

He also really liked this color matching puzzle.  It is from Confessions of a Homeschooler's Pond Theme pack (pages 8-9).

He is enjoying doing this puzzle more now.  It is just a simple wooden alphabet puzzle.  Sometimes his sister helps him.

We also tried working on scissor skills.  He likes to cut but he reverts back to cutting the wrong way.  We'll continue to work on it.

Fun Stuff

My stepmom bought them all new bubble blowers.  He is using his older brother's spiderman bubble blower while sitting on Papa's lap.

He climbed into my bed at about 7:30 am to sing the B-I-B-L-E while "drumming" on this tin he found.

This boy loves his geetar (guitar).  He loves to play it along side his Papa.  It is so sweet.  He tries to keep up.  I think we may have to start lessons soon.

Last but not least, can you just see his little personality?  He is quite the silly boy.  He likes me to put these on him about once a week.

How was learning at your house this week?


  1. wow what a great week full of learning! Loving the St. Patrick's sensory bin!

  2. I LOVE seeing these posts. These are quickly becoming my favorites.

  3. What a beautiful week. You have wonderful ideas. Visiting from WUHS.

  4. @Tracye
    Thanks, I do love looking back on what we did too.


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