
Saturday, May 18, 2013

Week in Review - Nature and Mother's Day

This week we did the basics - you know reading, writing and arithmetic but we were also able to get out a lot.  We went to the state park as a family on Monday.  And on Wednesday we had a field trip to study our local habits.

There is a raccoon up there - can you see it?

My sister and I were also able to take my stepmom and Mamaw to a neat artists home and gardens.  It was a beautiful day!  We also had my mom over for a meal on Sunday but I didn't manage to get any pictures of that.

I also let the kids help me in the garden.

And you know I have to have the token cute baby picture.

We had an honestly wonderful week.  It does a body good to get outside and into nature.  I hope we have many more weeks like this one.  I also hope you had a blessed week.

Weird Unsocialized Homeschoolers


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