
Saturday, May 18, 2013

Menu Plan - 5.19.13

Remember last week when I talked about trying out this once a month grocery shopping thing?  I've never really paid too much attention about how often we go through certain things - for instance - coffee (K-cups).  I assumed the boxes I bought would last us for a while but it has only been a week and a few days and we are almost out so I am going to have to figure out how much we realistically use for the month.  On another note, it has been so nice to not have to worry about being out of something or to have to go to the drive thru because we don't have a plan.

Doing this also makes me make things instead of running out to get something.  For instance I had sloppy joes on the menu plan but I did not have hamburger buns.  So I made them and it wasn't that difficult.  I used this recipe but I did honey instead of sugar and used part spelt flour.

It is definitely forcing me to stick to my commitment.  Just going to have to figure out the coffee thing because drinking less is not an option.   We also tried a suggestion that we saw from America's Cheapest Family - buying a large ham and slicing it ourselves for lunch meat.  We are measuring out about a pound a week.  My dad bought a slicer at a garage sale and they never used it so they let us use it.



  • Leftover Buffet or stir fry with whatever leftover meat we have

Check out more menus at Menu Plan Monday. I hope you have a blessed week!


  1. drinking less is not an option

    HA! I know what you mean:)

    I've always wondered how the slicer thing would work. Lunch meat is so expensive.

  2. @Ma
    I know! It is expensive and we quit buying it.


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