
Thursday, August 28, 2008

Frugal Friday . . . Make It Yourself Recipe Roundup

As I have said before, I am trying lots of new recipes in an effort to make things myself. This week I have tried quite a few things. I have taken pictures of some. I am only going to list the ones that turned out well, my family liked and that I would recommend. I am still working on more recipes and trying out several. I am hoping to try Tammy's pizza sauce recipe tomorrow with the tomatoes from my garden.

First off, Italian Cheese Bread from Tammy's recipes was so good. It was pretty easy. I made it to go along with my chicken Alfredo pasta and my canned green beans (which were also good by the way). I HIGHLY recommend this recipe.

I made 50's Housewife's Homestead Biscuits. They were pretty much a hit.

I have been searching and searching for bread recipes and I have finally found a white sandwich bread recipe that looks and tastes a lot like store bought, but it is a white bread recipe so I will use it, I just prefer a whole wheat recipe. But I am still working on it so I won't share the recipe yet. If anyone has a bread recipe that looks and tastes like store bought (for my husband), please share! Here is one I am going to try next.

Now, drum roll please, I finally did it. I have been wanting to do it for months - I made my own yogurt and cream cheese!!!! I have researched and researched recipes - online, in books - everywhere. I found Laura's recipe over at Heavenly Homemakers. It truly is as easy as she says. And it really does work. I followed her recipe exactly as she said to. The yogurt smelled and tasted like the yogurt starter that I used (Stoneyfield cream on top yogurt). The cream cheese was really good and also tasted like cream cheese.

Laura's Applesauce Bread was delicious. I tried her Mudball recipe and it didn't turn out for me, but I think I know what I did wrong.

Here is the yogurt, and below would be the cream cheese.

And now, I am going to make my family some popcorn and we are going to watch, um, I am trying to clear my throat, the rest of the Democratic Convention.

Have a blessed and wonderful Labor Day weekend. Be safe and love on your families.

For more Frugal Friday's, please visit Biblical Womanhood.


  1. LOL to tonight's "entertainment".

    Why, oh why, do you torture yourself? :) For once in my life, I'm GLAD I was shopping!

  2. Yum! Thanks for all the great links! I love making our own breads and such. Here are two bread recipes that we use: and

  3. Heidi,

    How I love to torture myself. I just need to know who is going to save me from myself come November. I didn't realize there was so much that I just couldn't do myself. I so need the government to tell me what to do and how to do it (was that dripping with too much sarcasm?).

  4. and here i was proud of my homemade taco seasonings! :P

  5. Brooke,

    Do be proud of your taco seasoning. I haven't made that yet. Anyway, it is just doing a little bit at a time. You are doing great!

  6. You are one hot frugal mama! Look at you go! Thanks for entering my writer's magazine giveaway, I think you are well on your way, you are a great writer, just look at this blog. If you have some specific questions, I'd be happy to help. Just email me!

  7. Thanks for all the cool links! It's a lot of fun to do 'homemade,' isn't it?
    I hope you are alive to read the comments here. If I was eating popcorn while watching that convention, I'd choke to death. Either that, or I'd die laughing.

  8. These recipes all look delicious. I definitely wnat to try the homemade yogurt!

  9. EOL,
    Bless your heart...I had to stop the torture for just got to be too much!:-)But for those who need a savior, I understand, but I already have One!;-)

    Have U tried Tammy's Amish Bread????

    It's fabulous! and U can make it either white or wheat or half and half! (My family LOVES it, especially half and half. It's so good it could pass for the store-bought 'white wheat'!)


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