
Saturday, September 25, 2010

Sunday Dinners on Saturday - Beef Roast

Last week I posted on how to get a home cooked meal on the table in about 20 minutes on Sunday after church.  You may see a theme with  my meals as I like to have nice hardy meals on Sunday afternoons especially if I am having company. 

For this week's menu:
Beef Roast with carrots and potatoes
Homemade Whole Wheat Bread

Saturday Preparation for Sunday's menu:
Beef Roast - Just so you know when it comes to preparation I am kind of lazy so when making the roast some people would sear it but here is what I do:  I take a frozen roast and run hot water over it to get the plastic off then I put it in my Crock Pot on Saturday night right before bed.  I fill it 3/4 full of water and add whatever seasoning my recipe calls for.  I usually just put in minced onion, beef bullion and some Worcestershire sauce and oregano but feel free to add whatever you like.  I provided a link in case you need a real recipe.  I turn it on low and let the roast cook overnight.  In the morning before church I leave it on low and throw in the carrots and potatoes and keep it on low until I get home. 
Potatoes (and carrots):  If you are really crunched for time you could throw in canned carrots and potatoes into the roast on Sunday morning, but if not then on Saturday night I peel and cube my potatoes and cover them with water and put them in the fridge so they don't turn brown.  I just slice up my carrots and stick them in a bag to throw in the roast in the morning.  On Sunday morning, drain your potatoes and add them and the carrots to your roast. 
Corn:  I fix my corn very simply.  I wait until I get home from church and either steam it in my microwave steamer with a pat of butter and some salt or I cook the corn on the stove with a couple tablespoons of water and a few tablespoons of butter and some salt.  I just cook it until it is tender.  You may add more salt and butter to your taste.  This takes less than 10 minutes on the stove and only 5 minutes in the microwave.
Whole Wheat Bread:  Oh there is nothing like putting butter on bread fresh from the oven.  I use this recipe and I use either the mixer version or the bread machine version.  Once you have your dough formed (I form two small loaves) into loaves then I cover those with plastic wrap and allow them to rise slowly overnight in the fridge.  When I get home from church (first thing) I preheat the oven and stick them in to cook.  I freeze one and serve the other.  If you want to pre-bake them the night before you can because they do take 30 minutes or so too cook.  I just reheat them in the oven wrapped in foil and serve with softened butter.
Brownies:  If you choose to make this homemade recipe you will not regret it (maybe you will if you eat half the pan) but it is the best recipe for homemade brownies I have ever found.  Just be sure not to overbake them.  In fact as with all brownies you should just slightly underbake them for them to be fudgy which is how I like my brownies.  I just bake these the day before and serve them the next afternoon.

Again, I hope this helps you and encourages you to have nice sit down family dinner on Sunday
*Picture from here 


  1. I had to click over because when I saw the post title and then the picture, I was like that is some funky looking beef roast! LOL!
    It all sounds yummo!

  2. Ha, I know it is funky looking. I just did not have any pictures of my roast.


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