
Sunday, January 16, 2011

Menu Plan Monday - 1.16.11

Another week, another menu plan.  Really though if I didn't have my menu planned I would go crazier than I already am.  It is nice to have at least one constant.  Its half the reason I even have this blog.  It makes me accountable every week to plan a menu.  When I need to see what we are having I just go to the blog and then I can usually click a link for the recipe.  It is all right there.

And another exciting thing is that I am finally getting another quarter of beef.  Well, I am splitting it with my friend, but I just used up my last package of soup bones last week and I have virtually no beef left so it will be exciting to get some more because I haven't been using hardly any beef for a few months because I can't bring myself to buy it from the grocery store.  Now, I have bought ground beef a few times from the grocery store but I have missed our meat!  You will notice my  menus are not fancy and I tend to repeat breakfasts and lunches.  I like to cook but I also like to keep it simple.

Here is what we will be having this week:

Oatmeal, blueberries and sliced almonds
Whole Wheat English Muffin, Peanut butter and banana
Bacon, eggs and cheese sandwiches on English Muffins

Whole Wheat tortilla pizza with pepperoni
PB & J and applesauce
Chicken nuggets and apples and carrots


Strawberry Peach Slushie

Cheesy ham and pasta bake, broccoli and peaches
Strawberry Peach Slushie

Lentils and Brown Rice Casserole and Artisan Bread in 5 Minutes a Day (we didn't have this last week) Strawberry Peach Slushie

Turkey, mashed potatoes and corn
Strawberry Peach Slushie

Potato and Ham Soup
Strawberry Peach Slushie

Pizza - BBQ Chicken Pizza or Chicken Alfredo Pizza
Sloppy Joes Pizza  
Strawberry Peach Slushie

Clean out the fridge or Leftover buffet

Have a great week!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for stopping by Coupon Cookin and sharing your recipe. I'm trying to use more crock-pot recipes in my cooking. I've also got to use a lot of whole fryer chicken so your recipe will be very useful. If you have recipes to share, please join me on Thursday's for Tasty Traditions, a recipe linky. Have a great day!


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