
Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Wednesday's Week in Review - January

Here's the haps at our house this past week

My cousin and her kiddos came over and the girls decided to play school

Eating popcorn - our nightly ritual

My nephews spent the night so we had an indoor "picnic"

We made doughnuts (I am so messy when I cook and bake) and then we did some art projects.  Really we just got messy.

Miss Makenna said "Come and take our picture.  Don't we look cute?"  

It snowed yet again.  It is so pretty if you don't have to drive in it.

Then Miss Makenna and I did some "school" work.  She loves it.  Finally, I have a kid that actually enjoys doing this stuff.  The letter of the week is A - so we did Apple prints and some practice writing of A's.

And I baked some bread - I just had to throw that in there.

And that is our second week of January in review.  Lots of lovely ordinary days.  
My husband is around but somehow we never get pictures of us.  We will try to remedy that soon.


  1. Your bread looks a lot like mine:)

  2. Sounds like a wonderful week.

  3. She has good pencil holding skills for her age. Looks like you guys had fun!


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